Saturday, March 9, 2013

Egan Cup 2013

Hi Family,

It is time to get your new outfits and practising for the 2013 Egan Cup.  Again this year it is on the long weekend in August 2/5 with the golf on Sunday.  Hope everyone can make it.

The rules for the Egan Putt will be changing this year as the Chairman is planning a Egan Putt contest from 12  Ft. 7 inches away with an elimination until we get a winner in front of the thousands of fans that will be watching.

The London McGuire's are already practising as you can see in their video.

Not to be out down by the London McGuire's the Ottawa McGuire's are heavy into making sure the Egan Putt and the Egan Cup come back to Ottawa where they both belong.  Here is their video.

Hope everyone can make it.

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